The Meaning of Life in 4 Words

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Here’s a quick quiz:

What gives meaning to your life and makes you feel fulfilled?

Rate each one of these areas in your life right now on a scale of 1 – 10, where 10 means you are living this area of your life in full alignment and integrity with this factor:

  • Purpose–a role or goal that you directs your energy and actions. Finding your purpose in life is fulfilling. Eckhart Tolle, author and mystic (you may have seen him on Oprah’s show) gives a meditative approach to finding your purpose in life:

  • Values–your core moral and ethical foundation or Ideal. Values may come from philosophy, religion, science, family or other sources. You can explore your values by examining what you choose to focus your thoughts, emotions, time, energy, and resources on.

  • Efficacy–your feeling of making in the world and difference and having control over your own life. It may be helpful to identify your talents, abilities, skills and knowledge to acknowledge your competency at work and in your personal life.

  • Self-Worth–your feeling of being a good and useful person.

Studies have identified that the higher you’re able to rate these four factors in your life, the more you’ll feel your life is meaningful.

What would you add to the list?