12 Things You Need to Do in 2012

2012 — A Time of Great Transformation

It’s finally here. The year we’ve heard so much about:  2012! Rather than being the end of the world, or the end of all time (as some may have misinterpreted the ending of the Mayan calendar and other ancient prophecies), it is my belief that it’s a time of an ending of one Great World Age and the transition to a new one. We who are living at this time have a joyous, unique and tremendous opportunity to be part of this transition that may happen only once every 25,000 years.

The Mayan elders give us a hopeful, encouraging, comforting message of the coming age of brotherhood of humankind and  “the return of the men of wisdom”:

As a teaser, I’m going to give you a list of things that you can ponder to prepare yourself for this transition. If you will keep an open mind and explore the background evidence for each idea for yourself, you may find that you have made a personal transition to a truly new perspective…which is the point of the transition of humankind to the new World Age. We each must find our own way to the new understanding that feels right for us. If you want to investigate these ideas further, I’ll recommend some additional resources at the end of this post.

1.  Rethink the origin of humankind

What if you learned that we have been around much longer than is commonly believed and evolution doesn’t explain how we got here?

2.  Rethink the destiny and purpose of human  life

What if you discovered that life continues after death, and that you have lived previous lives? How would this change your perspective on our destiny and purpose as humans?

3.  Rethink the cycles of time

Is there evidence that ancient people lived through a similar cycle in the earth’s magnetic field shifting? What can we learn about how to live with this quickening of the earth’s “heartbeat”?

4.  Rethink our basic human nature

Darwin may have led us to believe that we are basically competitive beings with “survival of the fittest”. However, studies and perhaps your own experience shows that we survive best when we cooperate with others.

5.  Rethink your understanding of the laws of physics

If you haven’t studied science and physics since high school or college, you need to upgrade your “software” to the latest version. Newtonian mechanistic laws of physics don’t explain how very small matter like atoms behave. Quantum mechanics turned the scientific world on its head and it may be pointing to a re-convergence of science and spirituality. In this video of a TEDTalk, physicist Brian Greene explains this new understanding of the universe and physics:

6.  Rethink your understanding of consciousness

Does consciousness exist only inside your head? Or are we somehow connected beyond ourselves, as Carl Jung, Stanislov Grof, and others have suggested, with a collective form of consciousness?

7.  Redefine your own purpose in life

How do you define success? If you are guiding your life choices by purely material or financial goals, you may be missing out on the richness and happiness you can enjoy when you reframe success to include more than money.

8.  Rethink your New Year’s Resolutions

Based on the above, do your usual resolutions make sense? What is really important for you to focus on this year?

9.  Be happy and go with the flow

This may be the single-most important resolution you can make this year.

10.  Meditate daily

If you haven’t explored the benefits of meditation, it’s time to give it a look.

11.  Listen to your inner voice

Logic and analytical thinking are wonderful tools. But they’re not the only way to make decisions and get guidance. We all have powerful intuitive knowing through dreams, flashes of insights, “gut feelings”, and many other avenues from within that can be cultivated to make our information gathering more robust.

12.  Did I mention “be happy”? 

I’d love to hear from you with your questions or comments, below, so we can continue the conversation. I’ll post more on these topics as the year progresses.

What’s on Your List of the Universal Laws?

In a discussion forum I facilitate, we’ve been discussing Universal Laws. It seems there are many variations and versions of what is a spiritual or universal law.  I’d love to know what you think makes the list! Also, what experience in your life has helped you understand these laws?

Here’s what I’ve come up with as my initial list of the key Laws (and I’d appreciate your feedback on it, what’s missing, the order of importance, etc.):

I’m defining a “Law” as an unseen, unchangeable, unbreakable force that produces results predictably, reliably, and consistently, regardless of awareness or understanding of it (as in the Law of Gravity in the physical world). These Laws are all based on my understanding of the Universe as vibration, energy/consciousness.

    1. The Law of One–we are all connected; there is no beginning or end; energy/consciousness cannot be created or destroyed only transmuted
    2. The Law of Love–there is only love; all else is a distortion or contrast with love, much in the way that there is no source of darkness, just light and things that block the light
    3. The Law of Forgiveness (Grace)–a higher law than that of Karma; we can receive grace without deserving it or without an action that attracts it
    4. The Law of Attraction–like attracts like; opposites repel
    5. The Law of Allowing (Non-resistance)–one of the apparent paradoxes of the spiritual realm; in order to “get” something we have to stop “trying” to get it
    6. The Law of Cause and Effect (Karma)–the physical world is the “effect” and the spiritual realm is the “cause”
    7. The Law of Correspondence–“as above, so below”
    8. The Law of Duality–in physical manifestation, there is always an apparent opposite of each idea, such as male-female, have-lack, darkness-light; there is a kind of mirror-image correspondence with an idea in the higher dimension and its manifestation in the physical world (e.g., the paradox of giving to receive, letting go to have)
    9. The Law of Periodocity–cycles, rhythms, (e.g., the Seven Year Cycle of the body’s rejuvenation)
    10. The Law of Balance (Equilibrium)–all things tend to return to a natural state of balance and equilibrium.

So, for me, an illustration of the Law of Love might be a story about a mother whose baby is pinned under a huge boulder and she is somehow able to lift the boulder to save the child’s life…does this make sense?