I Have a Dream – Now Can I Interpret and Use it to Improve my Life?

I’m inspired on this birthday anniversary weekend in which we remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., his vision and all his work for peaceful ways that all members of our society to work, live and play together as brothers and sisters in the beloved community. This vision is especially immortalized in his wonderful “I Have a Dream” speech. It’s well worth the time to read the entire speech if you haven’t already. Dreams of the noctural sort have been occupying much of my waking life recently. I’ve renewed my interest in recording, interpreting, and applying dream guidance (which I’ve been doing for about 25 years now).

Syncronistically, as I write this post, my Pandora is playing “Sleeping to Dream” by Jason Mraz. Gotta love it! When syncronicities appear, I understand they’re a sign I’m on the right path.

So, I’m being prompted to explore more about lucid dreaming — dreams in which you are aware that you’re dreaming. I’m reading books about research on how to become a lucid dreamer, like Lucid Dreaming by Glen Bryant. I’m also exploring the ideas about dreams from the Seth books, in particular The Nature of Personal Reality: Specific, Practical Techniques for Solving Everyday Problems and Enriching the Life You Know by Jane Roberts. In addition, Bashar‘s material on The Awakening presents some practical tips and guidance to become more lucid in dreams and to learn to alter what he calls the “template level reality” to be more the way you like it — in the dream and ultimately in your waking life/dream.

After watching the full Bashar video of “The Awakening”, I decided to read a little from the Seth book on The Nature of Personal Reality before going to sleep with the suggestion to myself that I would meet Seth in my dream and become lucid. It was an interesting experience as I had a vivid dream in which I was jumping over a gap in the ground and fell into the crack to a “home” below ground. A face appeared above the gap and told me it happens all the time and how I could find the stairway out. When I got up the stairs, a nice man helped me and was explaining things to me. I don’t have that sense that I became lucid. However, when I awoke, I took the time to write down my dream and recognized the symbolism of the “gap” and remembered thinking in the dream that there should be a bridge across the gap so people didn’t fall in. I recalled then that the last section I had been reading from the Seth book was about “bridge beliefs” and their significance in our personal reality. I had the sense that the “nice man” in the dream was Seth giving me additional guidance. It was an exciting confirmation that I’m making some progress…slowly, surely, one step at a time…having fun along the way!

Learn more about using sleep and dreams to change your life.