What are Friends?

In my online study group, we recently discussed the concept of friends. It started with a quote from the Edgar Cayce readings:

“. . what are friends? That in which there may be the testing of our own abilities, as to that application of truth related to the divine and to mental reaction in relationship one to another.” (Reading 2772-5)

Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 2...
Edgar Cayce (1877–1945) was a psychic of the 20th century and made many highly publicized predictions. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


One person said: “An interesting benefit from living on the earth in 3-D is that self-preservation causes us to rely on each other.  Cooperation and a pooling of our talents is what allows a society to flourish and for individuals to specialize in what brings them joy in serving their neighbors.  … Our challenging interactions are only a “test” if we have something to prove…like that we have once again achieved perfection in our love, patience and cooperation.  Once we are not a part of the problem, then our joy is complete and there is no “test” because our yoke is easy and our burden is light.”

Another person commented that “in this reading, Cayce is giving 2775 relational information between present associates and their associations together in a past life. He labeled friends as being assets and encouraged 2775 to maintain these relationships because there were things to work out (karma). …my take on this is that friends are more apt to rattle our cages than a passing acquaintance. Thus, through friendship, we get to demonstrate our development of the various precepts regarding the way we think about and treat others, especially when they tell us things we do not want to hear. This seems to be underscored further in Reading 5392-1 where Cayce stated that the best way to conquer ourselves is by living with others.”

Here’s my understanding. First, I love the saying attributed to Henry Ford, friend of Thomas Edison and Harvey Firestone (among others): “My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.” It also reinforces the MasterMind concept that Napoleon Hill wrote about of the importance of having deep friendships with people who share your Ideals and goals.

President Herbert Hoover, Henry Ford, Thomas E...
President Herbert Hoover, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, and Harvey Firestone in Ft. Myers, Florida, possibly on Ford’s The Mangoes estate, 1928 (Photo credit: The Henry Ford)

The three new friends I made here recently chose the same week to abruptly “vibrate” out of my life in various ways. It was quite a jolt. (For those who are astrologically inclined, I’m having a very strong aspect of Uranus transiting opposite my Sun and Pluto squaring my Sun). I’m so blessed to have the ability to stay in touch via phone, text and email with my dear friends and this awesome online group to maintain my equanimity. But it’s certainly been a challenge. I queried the I Ching this morning for insights into these obstacles I’m experiencing with building new friendships here in Walnut Creek. I have used the I Ching almost daily (I have an app for it on my phone and Kindle!) for over 20 years since I was exposed to it through a class with Dr. Henry Reed at the A.R.E. The ever-omniscient oracle gave me a reading that seemed spot on. I think it may help shed some light on the broader question of “what are friends?”.

For those familiar with the I Ching, I received {54} The Marrying Maiden changing to {43} Breakthrough. Even if you know nothing about how to interpret the hexagrams, what it meant to me is this:  In relationships we (our egos) can begin to desire (which I interpret mean became overly-attached or needy of) another person, recognition, feeling special, retribution, or a particular outcome. These desires can take us out of balance and we may lose our equanimity. When we see and feel this imbalance mentally and emotionally in the mirror of friendship, it is a sign that we need return to our inner independence of external relationships for validation. It is a reminder that the true “friendship” or relationship our hearts desire is that with the Sage, or Inner Being, The Creator, or God, or whatever we call that creative power greater than ourselves.

The answer is to re-focus on the primal relationship with the Inner Being through acceptance, forgiveness, modesty, gentleness, inner discipline, and balance (rather than what is often so tempting:  anger, fear, running away, retribution, isolation).

What it helped me to see was that these recent experiences have motivated me to turn inward to refocus more on integrating my Ideals into my character and personality, and realizing that I can (more and more) maintain my inner equilibrium no matter what happens in the outer world. I used my HeartMath tools and meditation to gain more balance.  I even signed up for a spiritual retreat today.


Publicity photo of Leonard Nimoy and William S...

“Coincidentally” (I believe nothing is really a meaningless coincidence), I read an article this morning with an interview of J. J. Abrams, director of many outstanding movies, including a series I especially love, Star Trek. The article starts out: “In the world according to J. J. Abrams, we are all better together. In real life, the 47-year-old Abrams is a devoted husband and father with a close-knit coterie of lifelong friends and collaborators….” Abrams talks about his optimistic, romantic outlook on life that inspires his movies with his belief that family seems to be at the heart of all great stories. In Star Trek, for example, it’s a family made up of people who have chosen to come together in their work and band together to help save the universe. I think that’s also what friends are…the family that we chose more consciously to be with in this lifetime to help us achieve our purpose in life together. Kind of like the yin and the yang that is the sometimes challenging friendship between Captain Kirk and Spock (heart and mind?).

I hope that is helpful. Please feel free to comment further!