My New Dog Dusty – Already Changed My Life

Adopting a Dog on National Dog Day

It comes as no surprise to most of my friends that I did end up adopting the wonderful 3-year-old Labradoodle I fostered over the weekend. I’ve renamed him Dusty in honor of his older “siblings” the venerable Duffy (Giant Schnauzer), Buster Brown (chocolate Lab), and Dixie Belle (black Lab-Chow mix).

Dusty - curly
Dusty the Labradoodle – curly

We had a great weekend, in spite of the severe weather in our Tampa, Florida area due to the outskirts of hurricane Irene raging up the east coast. On Sunday, in a brief window of sunshine, we trekked over to the Vinoy Park in downtown St. Petersburg and met some new dog friends at the dog park. He was on-leash the entire time, and he was a little skittish with some of the dogs, but it was fun. He seems to have a particular dislike for Golden Retrievers. I think he is still anxious and fearful from some kind of previous abuse. We walked by the downtown shops and cafes and found a yogurt shop that has frozen “yogurt” for dogs. He’s allowed inside. It was great fun!

As we sat at our table outside to eat our treats, lots of people passed by and commented on him. “Cute clip” one lady remarked at his recent grooming. He did look sharp. “What kind of a dog IS that?” asked several people unfamiliar with the Lab-Poodle mix. “May I pet your dog?” asked one sweet little girl. Regretably, I felt I should decline and explained that he was a rescue dog still in training. Her dad pulled her away and tried to explain a bit more about what that meant.

I think I have a new Sunday afternoon ritual of walking along Beach Drive and getting a frozen yogurt with Dusty.

But I realized if we are going to get out and be social, it would be helpful to have some sort of bandanna or vest for Dusty to let people know he’s not a bad dog, he’s just learning to be less fearful and to give him space.

I also gave him one of my own favorite treatments for anxiety:  Bach Rescue Remedy. That seemed to calm him down too. Isn’t it curious how I now have an anxious dog who will help me to become more of a calm, assertive pack leader, as Cesar Millan, the Dog Whisperer would say? I love how things work out.


Happy National Dog Day – Adopt a Dog!

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It’s National Dog Day on August 26th

I’m a dog lover down to the bone. I’m in-between dogs right now…sort of. Trying to use my thoughts and emotions to make peace with the situation. There are so many “reasons” why it doesn’t make sense to have a dog right now:  I’m not home during the day; I like to travel; it’s expensive to keep a dog healthy sometimes; yadayadayada. I even started seeing my little house as a sort of “pet” that needs a great deal of nurturing and care. The idea was some comfort to me.

Then, I drove to work yesterday and saw the cutest Labradoodle out walking with its companion along Bayshore Drive. A most beautiful waterfront drive that is part of my 30-minute commute to work. I had a fleeting memory of how I’ve often thought that the Labradoodle is probably the perfect dog for me. I love Labs, and the poodle mixed in makes them curly and maybe even smarter and less allergenic and shedding. Then I got to work and dove into my day.

For some reason, around 5:00 I got a prompting to look on Craigslist to see what Labradoodles might be available near me. Just for kicks. I found one right in my neighborhood. I called. The owner called me right back. He was so caring and concerned that Rusty should find the right new home. We talked for 40 minutes.

Rusty the Labradoodle
Rusty the Labradoodle Rescue Dog

He told me the story of Rusty’s rescue as an abused dog, surgery for hip dysplasia, his extensive training with a “dog whisperer” like Cesar Millan to try to get over his fear-aggression and insecurities so I would know his entire history.

He told me of their new baby and other dog and how Rusty may be feeling a little left out these days. And he also told me what a loving snuggler and playmate he is. So I visited Rusty.

We played in his backyard. We took a walk. He got anxious and a little aggressive with one dog we met, but was fine with several others. Rusty’s owners generously  offered to let me keep him for the weekend to see how he does at my home and walking on my street. That’s what we’re doing this weekend.

I’m not sure how it’s going to turn out, but whatever happens, we’re both going to have a fun weekend! As I write, he’s enjoying the view of my canal and watching the beautiful waterbirds in the yard that I cherish. What’s not to love?

Do you have a story to share about how a rescue dog has changed your life? I’d love to hear from you.



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